- Motherhood Melbourne
Helping Mums realise their true potential
Alexandra André is a woman who wears many hats – Speaker, Writer, Marketer and Coach. Within each role, Alex has a sole purpose to inspire the potential in others. She’s worked extensively with mothers in business by offering fresh ideas, advice, strategy and energy. Alex has drawn upon 20 years of marketing and leadership experience to create a model that helps people and businesses succeed. In this post, Alex has shares the 7 key areas to success that can help you bring an idea to fruition. From my own personal experience at one of Alex’s workshop, tapping into her skills and experience, was an eye-opening experience. If you are a Melbourne mum running a business and looking at how to move it forward, grow or strengthen your biz, Alex’s model can help you achieve your goals.
HOOD MAMA SPECIAL: A complimentary 30 min coaching call, to discuss your business or goals. Join the hood to grab the special code and details.
I’ve come across some of the most talented, energetic and driven mums – particularly in the last 2 years.
I’ve helped a few of them – and would like to help many more bring to life a passion or idea they have for their next ‘chapter’.
Running your own business gives you the ultimate in flexibility – creating the lifestyle you want, but it goes further than that – it’s about doing what you love, and speaking from experience it doesn’t get much better!
But in following this passion and bringing this ‘dream’ to life, I’ve found two things that tend to hold people back:
1) Self belief 2) How to go about it!
The ‘self-belief’ bit is about surrounding yourself with people that lift you up, that believe in you perhaps more than you do in yourself at times. And the Motherhood Melbourne community I’m sure will provide wonderful support for many in this way.
The ‘how’ piece is something I spend a lot of time working with businesses on, and I’ve pooled 20 years of marketing and leadership experience to create a model that I believe are the 7 key areas to success I’ve outlined a little snapshot of each area:
1) Purpose: It all starts with being clear on your purpose, inspired from that place and knowing what success looks like. Purpose is central to everything, it’s why you started, and it will keep you going when the going gets tough.
2) Brand: This is about developing a brand platform and identity that guides everything you do. Time spent getting this right early on will pay dividends in the long run. Behind purpose, it’s my #2 in order of importance.
3) Customer: Having them front and centre of your business, knowing who they are and what’s important to them. With out your customers, there would be no business, so they deserve a bit of focus.
4) Comm’s: Expressing your brand in the most remarkable and effective way. With so much choice out there, your comm’s strategy will determine your success.
5) Basics: Knowing what those basics are and getting them right, every time. You can’t afford not to – your customers won’t forgive you! Basics before fancy I say.
6) Action: Aligning what you do each day, with where you want to go and the best way to get there. There are various tools that can hep with this – but you need to spend some time on the strategic stuff if you want to bring your vision to life!
7) Review: This is about reviewing what’s working and what’s not to constantly improve. Doesn’t have to be a complex process, but it’s time well spent!
I’ve found these 7 areas are all ones that need focus to some extent. If one is missing, the model falls over, and you’ll be falling short of where you could be.
I hope this is useful in itself, but if you’d like to spend a day with other like-minded people – either as a current or aspiring small business owner/operator – I’d love to have you join one of my Marketing Workshops: aandre.com.au/workshops
It’s an interactive day, designed to help build knowledge, capability & inspire action! It’s also a chance to spend the day ‘on’ your business, and you’ll walk away with some clear gaps and opportunities to get after.
The world needs more people doing what they love. The hardest bit is making that decision in the first place, once you’ve done that – you’ll be surprised at how it all falls into place.
Not every day will be easy, but as the saying goes – it’ll be worth it!
Inspiring the potential in all of us – as a Marketing Coach, Writer and aspiring Speaker. "Never underestimate the infinite impact we can all have on each other – in our own unique way"
Biz owner: Alexandra André
Fav café: Noisette, Port Melbourne – hands down the best take-away coffee in the hood!
Coffee order: Hot skinny latte
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Are you a Melbourne mover & shaker? Does your biz make mother's lives easier, better and brighter? We'd love to showcase your dreams and help Melbourne mums on their quest to shop small and support locals. Have a look at our Celebrate Melbourne page for more info.