As Zac Efron sang in that annoying High School Musical movie, 'we're all in this together.'
Oh hey there, I'm Holly – the Chief Mama of Motherhood Melbourne.
Here's the dirt on things around here –
The Mama gig is tough. I’m in the school of thought that being totally sarcastic about it kinda helps (well sarcasm and Pino Gris). So if you’re surviving motherhood one coffee at a time, then I welcome you with Lychee Martinis.
There are a lot of sites that are all about your kids – where to take them, kid-friendly events etc. etc. But my child is anti-establishment and if I’m using the last spray of dry shampoo, it needs to come without a side of “Muuuuuum.” So I opened up my laptop and decided that I would create something for the sassy Mamas of Melbourne.
The motherhood stories are from women right here in our hood – you can share your story. Yes, you don’t have to be a D-grade celeb to be heard.
If you’re a biz that makes Mamas lives better n brighter, let’s tell all the Mamas about whatchu got. Let's work together.
Looking to let your mum-bun down? Ditch the kids, book the babysitter and plan your social life with the Mama-friendly events calendar.
Up for a chit chat? Sure – I'll squeeze ya in between my two boys (4 yr old troublemaker and sweet-as-pie #babywolverine) – [email protected]
One last thing…They say it takes a village to raise a child, will you join our village? Or hood…because it sounds way cooler! #jointhehood
Holly xx
Chief Mama

P.S – Would you hate me if I brag a little?
Guest posts, news articles, podcasts, speaking gigs and mentions –
5 things I didn't expect about being a boy mama – Threads for boys (15 April 2017)
Why you can't plan when to have a baby – Seriously Milestones (28 June 2017)
Motherhood Melbourne – Friday Feature with Curvy Mummy – My Curvy Mummy Life (4 August 2017)
How Collaboration Can Increase Your Profits – Wave Creative (29 November 2017)
Melbourne: Top 25 Mummy Bloggers – Scrunch (24 January 2018)
Holly Brunnbauer – Motherhood Melbourne – Emma McMillan (16 April 2018)
Podcast interview with Holly from Motherhood Melbourne – First Time Mums Australia (28 May 2018)
Mamas of Melb EDIT – MamaMag – Oct/Nov edition (1 October 2018)
Mother of all podcasts – Star Weekly (3 October 2018)
3 hard truths every new Mum needs to know – Baby Berry Collective (17 November 2018)
One for the Mums – Your Podcast Present – ep. 1 (9 May 2019)
MY WYNDHAM – Star Weekly (14 May 2019)
How to launch a product, service or event – Brand Builders Lab Podcast – ep. 59 (22 May 2019)
Celebrate a Mumma – Bad Mums Club (30 May 2019)
Panel Speaker – Mama Tribe – Pop-up Party (1 June 2019)